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World Movers International Church is a Healing, Deliverance and Prophetic Ministry.

Our vision is to move the whole world in one direction that is heaven. Everyone should smile again and enjoy life in abundance.

Our mission is to share the word of God and win everyone to Christ. We empower people to follow Jesus in their daily lives by makeíng them disciples and grow godly leaders. Our passion is to plant ethnically mixed churches all around the world in which people of all cultures and origins can experience the Power of God and reach their God-given potential.

According to John 3:3  Jesus said:
,,Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God," and he went further to say in John 3:6: ,,Flesh give birth to flesh and spirit give birth to spirit." In this case everybody need to be born again to inherit the kingdom of God. 


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"Christ has over-come the devil for us. Our own fight is declarations of our victory over the devil and that is our good fight of faith"                - Prophet Julius O. Egeonu


JULIUS O. Egeonu

Prophet Julius O. Egeonu is an outstanding Deliverance Minister with years of proven Ministry. 

He is the Founder and General Overseer of World Movers International Church. God has called him into Ministry to set the captives free and to set bounded loosed. His Ministry is a blessing to the body of Christ all around the world.

Published Books:
  • Do not quit - the best is yet to come!
  • Fight to Finish - Prayer Booklet


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